Show |
Stardate |
Episode Title |
none given |
Image in the Sand |
Sisko learns a family secret that convinces him there is still a way to contact the Bajoran Prophets. On the station, Kira suspects the Romulans have ulterior motives. |
52081.2 |
Night |
The crew becomes restless as the ship travels through a desolate section of space devoid of any star systems. But things change when they encounter two mysterious races of aliens who may be at war with each other - and Voyager. (season 5, episode 1; released October 14, 1998) |
none given |
Drone |
A transporter accident damages the Doctor's mobile emitter, infusing it with Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes and creating a hybrid drone that is part human, part Borg – and technologically superior to anything aboard the ship. (season 5, episode 2; released October 21, 1998) |
none given |
Extreme Risk |
Torres' erratic behavior, which includes orbital skydiving, begins to alarm her crewmates; meanwhile, Lt. Paris, his 24th-century hot rod vessel that combines Borg and Starfleet designs. (season 5, episode 3; released October 28, 1998) |
52136.4 |
In The Flesh |
Voyager discovers Species 8472 has constructed a simulation of Starfleet headquarters in San Francisco so they can practice posing as humans in their first step of an invasion of Earth. (season 5, episode 4; released November 4, 1998) |
none given |
Once Upon a Time |
As Voyager searches for the Delta Flyer and its missing crew, including Paris, Tuvok and Ensign Wildman, Neelix tries to amuse Wildman's daughter with a holonovel featuring a creature called Flotter. (season 5, episode 5; released November 11, 1998) |
52143.6 |
Timeless |
Chakotay and Kim are the only survivors when Voyager crash-lands on an ice planet, but they hope they can change the ship's fate. (season 5, episode 6; released November 18, 1998) |
52152.6 |
Shadows And Symbols |
Sisko searches for the mythical Bajoran Orb of the Emissary; Kira has a showdown with her Romulan “allies” on DS9; Worf, O'Brien, Bashir and Quark attack a Dominion shipyard. |
52179.4 |
Thirty Days |
Inhabitants of a strange ocean world ask Voyager to help them determine why they are losing water. When Paris discovers it's because of their industry, they deny the problem. (season 5, episode 9; released December 9, 1998) |
none given |
Afterimage |
The presence of Ezri Dax on DS9 causes problems for Worf. Meanwhile, Garak suffers an incapacitating breakdown. |
none given |
Take Me Out to the Holosuite |
A Vulcan Starfleet officer insists his race is superior, and to prove it, he challenges Sisko to a game of baseball. |
none given |
Chrysalis |
A genetically enhanced woman who has fallen into a catatonic state is treated by Dr. Bashir, who falls in love with her. |
none given |
Treachery, Faith, and the Great River |
Odo is contacted by Weyoun, who claims he wishes to defect from the Dominion and turn over military secrets to the Federation. |
none given |
Once More Unto The Breach |
Worf promises Kor a military command aboard the flagship Ch'Tang, which angers Martok and may endanger their mission. |
none given |
The Siege Of AR-558 |
While resupplying a Starfleet-occupied Dominion communication outpost, Sisko and the crew decide to make a stand during a fierce Jem'Hadar offensive. |
none given |
Covenant |
Vedek Fala, a Bajoran monk and Kira's former teacher, pays her an unexpected visit. He gives Kira a crystal which transports her to Empok Nor, where, to her horror, she is met by her old enemy Dukat. |
52356.2 |
Infinite Regress |
Mysteriously, Voyager comes upon a floating Borg Vinculum - a device that interconnects Drone's minds aboard a Borg vessel - which swiftly causes Seven of Nine to manifest personalities other than her own. (season 5, episode 7; released November 25, 1998) |
none given |
Nothing Human |
The Doctor accesses another holographic physician to help him deal with an alien organism that has attached itself to Torres, but the new doctor is patterned after a Cardassian war criminal. (season 5, episode 8; released December 2, 1998) |
none given |
It's Only A Paper Moon |
Nog, distraught over the loss of his leg, finds comfort in the holographic world of lounge singer Vic Fontaine – but then finds it difficult to leave. |
none given |
Star Trek IX: Insurrection |
Picard fights a Starfleet admiral who is complicit in the relocation of an indigenous people in order to exploit their planet's natural properties. (released December 11, 1998) |
none given |
Counterpoint |
As Voyager rescues two families of telepathic alien refugees from the Devore Imperium, they are intercepted by a Devore squadron and boarded by inspectors searching for the defectors. (season 5, episode 10; released December 16, 1998) |
none given |
Prodigal Daughter |
When O'Brien disappears, Sisko enlists Ezri Dax in his search – but it means she must reunite with her estranged mother. |
none given |
Latent Image |
While using his holo-imaging device, the Doctor discovers his short-term memory buffer has been altered. This prompts him to launch an investigation to discover who - or what - has caused it. (season 5, episode 11; released January 20, 1999) |
none given |
Bride of Chaotica |
Armed conflict erupts when aliens from the Fifth Dimension mistake Lieutenant Paris' Captain Proton holographic novel for reality. (season 5, episode 12; released January 27, 1999) |
52438.9 |
Gravity |
Paris and Tuvok crash-land on a hostile planet where they are befriended by an alien female, Noss, who takes a fancy to Tuvok. (season 5, episode 13; released February 3, 1999) |
none given |
The Emperor's New Cloak |
Quark and Rom accompany Ezri's double back to the alternate universe in order to free Zek, who is being held by forces seeking a cloaking device. |
none given |
Field of Fire |
Ezri Dax must use the memories of a previous Dax symbiont to solve a murder – but the symbiont in question was a serial murderer, causing her to behave in a similar fashion. |
none given |
Chimera |
Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest: a Changeling who tracked and boarded his Runabout. Odo recognizes him as one of “the hundred” shapeshifters who were, like himself, sent out as infants into the galaxy to learn about other species. |
none given |
Badda-Bing Badda-Bang |
While relaxing in Vic's Las Vegas holosuite lounge, O'Brien and Bashir are surprised by the arrival of mobster Frankie Eyes, who announces that he's bought Vic's hotel. |
52542.3 |
Bliss |
The appearance of a wormhole leading to the Alpha Quadrant brings hope to the crew of Voyager, but Seven of Nine's enthusiasm is tempered by her suspicions that it is a sinister illusion. (season 5, episode 14; released February 10, 1999) |
none given |
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges |
On the eve of Dr. Bashir's departure for a conference on the Romulan homeworld, he's visited by Sloan, the director of Section Thirty-one, a secret and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence. Sloan asks a reluctant Bashir to gather information on the Romulan leadership. |
52576.2 |
Penumbra |
Worf is missing in action, and Ezri searches for him; Sisko plans to marry Kasidy Yates but the Bajoran prophets advise against it; the female shapeshifter's condition worsens. |
52586.3 |
Course: Oblivion |
Lieutenants Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres tie the knot but their holographic honeymoon is cut short by a phenomenon that breaks down the Voyager's infrastructure and disintegrates not only the ship but the crew. (season 5, episode 18; released March 3, 1999) |
none given |
Til Death Do Us Part |
Sisko calls off the wedding with Kasidy but agonizes over the decision; a surgically-altered Dukat insinuates himself to Kai Winn; Work and Ezri face abuse at the hands of their Breen captors. |
none given |
Strange Bedfellows |
The Breen turn over Worf and Ezri to the Dominion, who intend to execute them; Kai Winn allies herself with Dukat, who urges her to join the evil Pahwraiths. |
none given |
The Changing Face Of Evil |
The war reaches a crucial turning point when the Cardassian leader breaks from the Dominion-Breen alliance. Kai Winn believes she receives a message from the Pah-wraiths. |
none given |
Dark Frontier, Part I |
The crew of Voyager successfully defeats a Borg vessel. After they examine the debris, Captain Janeway launches an ambitious, high risk mission to invade another Borg sphere and steal Borg technology. (season 5, episode 15; released February 17, 1999) |
52619.2 |
Dark Frontier, Part II |
The crew of Voyager successfully defeats a Borg vessel. After they examine the debris, Captain Janeway launches an ambitious, high risk mission to invade another Borg sphere and steal Borg technology. (stardate is given at the end of the episode) (season 5, episode 16; released February 17, 1999) |
none given |
When It Rains... |
While Kira consults with Damar's rebel forces, Bashir makes a shocking discovery about the disease that is ravaging the Founders. |
none given |
The Disease |
Without Starfleet medical clearance and in violation of interspecies protocol, Ensign Harry Kim has a passionate love affair with an exotic alien explorer, Derran Tal of the Varro species. (season 5, episode 17; released February 24, 1999) |
none given |
Tacking Into The Wind |
Kira masterminds a plot to obtain an enemy weapon, while Worf instigates a dramatic power shift within the Klingon Empire. |
none given |
The Fight |
Voyager is caught in Chaotic Space, where the laws of physics bend unpredictably, causing Chakotay to believe he's a 24th-century boxer called the Maquis Mauler. (season 5, episode 19; released March 24, 1999) |
none given |
Think Tank |
Hazari Bounty hunters hound Janeway, but Hurros, the leader of a group of alien arbitrators, offers assistance for a price. (season 5, episode 20; released March 31, 1999) |
none given |
Juggernaut |
Torres boards a derelict freighter despite warnings that the vessel is haunted by the Angel of Decay. (season 5, episode 21; released April 26, 1999) |
52645.7 |
Night Tremors |
When Dr. Bashir and O'Brien try to get information on Odo's disease from Section 31 operative Sloan, he attempts suicide – but not before the two use a Romulan mind probe to enter his psyche. |
52648.0 |
Someone To Watch Over Me |
While tutoring Seven in social graces, The Doctor finds himself falling for her; and Neelix commits a serious diplomatic error while working out a trade agreement with a cloistered alien race. (season 5, episode 22; released April 28, 1999) |
none given |
The Dogs of War |
Sisko takes command of a new ship. Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion ambush on Cardassia and are forced into hiding. Quark receives a static-filled message from Grand Nagus Zek, the Ferengi leader, that he's being named Zek's successor. |
52840 |
11:59 |
Janeway recalls an ancestor from the 21st century who was involved with the creation of a seminal self-contained civic Earth environment called the Millenium Date in a small Indiana town. (season 5, episode 23; released May 5, 1999) |
52861.274 |
Relativity |
Time travelers from the future recruit Seven of Nine as their agent to retrieve a weapon that was placed aboard Voyager when Janeway took command. Meanwhile, in the present, the crew race against time to save the ship from temporal destruction. (season 5, episode 24; released May 12, 1999) |
none given |
Warhead |
Kim's first mission as an away-team commander triggers a crisis aboard Voyager when the Doctor convinces him to beam aboard a device the turns out to be a marooned warhead. (season 5, episode 25; released May 19, 1999) |
none given |
What You Leave Behind |
A determining engagement with the Dominion occurs on the Cardassian homeworld, where the Dominion-Cardassian-Breen alliance has retreated to concentrate its strength. |
none given |
Equinox |
Voyager finds another Federation starship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the science vessel U.S.S. Equinox, and helps it stave off an attack by creatures from another spatial realm. (season 5, episode 26; released May 26, 1999) |